2009년 7월 18일 토요일

패밀리 레스토랑 마케팅 전략(Park`s Family)예시!!, 패스트푸드점 한식

패밀리 레스토랑 마케팅 전략(Park`s Family)예시!!,패스트푸드점 한식-------------------------------
Ⅰ.고객분석1. 고객의 의미2. 고객의 유형 3. 신고객의 소비패턴1) 그레이징화(Grazing)추구 소비형 2) 동시다행성소비형 3) 건강지향적인 질을 추구하는 소비형 4) 다운에이징(Down-Aging), 레트로(Retro)소비형 4. 상권 및 고객분석1) 강남구 수요분석 2) 수요분석을 통한 P.F상권입지도 예상3) 공급분석4) 패밀리 레스토랑의 평균 수요도 Ⅱ. 경쟁사분석1. 우리나라의 외식산업 현황2. 패스트푸드점 산업현황1) 패스트푸드산업의 의의 및 특성2) 패스트푸드산업 현황3. 패밀리레스토랑의 현황4. 한식체인시장 현황1) 한식체인화의 전개2) 한식체인화 현황5. 기호시장현황1) 제빵․제과시장2) 원두커피시장 현황3) 아이스크림시장http://soho112.com/board_view.php?board=board603672&num=1879&tnum=6&page=1&sear=&search=&left_menu=
This is a computer translation of the original webpage. It is provided for general information only and should not be regarded as complete nor accurate.

Family restaurant marketing strategic (Park `s Family) adumbration!! Path [thu] [phwu] [tu] point Korean-style food-------------------------------
Ⅰ. Customer analysis1. Meaning of customer2. Shedding of blood of customer 3. Consuming pattern of hardship visitor1) The [ley] gong anger (Grazing) pursuit consuming elder brother 2) Simultaneously the lucky sanctum rain elder brother 3) The consuming elder brother who pursues a case river aimful quality 4) In knock-down with this gong (Down-Aging) and [ley] [thu] (Retro) consuming elder brothers 4. Upper volume and customer analysis1) Kangnam Ku demand analysis 2) Volume at P.F where it leads a demand analysis it does not put on forecast3) Supply analysis4) Average demand of family restaurant Ⅱ. Competition company analysis1. Our country eating out industrial present condition2. Path [thu] [phwu] [tu] point industrial present condition1) Questionable matter and quality of path [thu] [phwu] [tu] industry2) Path [thu] [phwu] [tu] industrial present condition3. Present condition of family restaurant4. Korean-style food chain market present condition1) Korean-style food chain reconciliation development2) Korean-style food chain anger present condition5. Symbolic market present condition1) Breadmaking ․ confectionery market2) Unit two coffee market present conditions3) Ice cream markethttp://soho112.com/board_view.php?board=board603672&num=1879&tnum=6&page=1&sear=&search=&left_menu=

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