음식점 창업사업의 비전 외식업, 일식업, 한식업,성공비결 실패이유 창업 -------------------------------------
음식점 창업사업의 비전... 성공의 비법!! -----------------------------------------------------
우리나라 외식 산업은 현재 빠른 추세로 증가- 시장 규모가 연간 30최근 실직수자가 급증하면서 불황 속에도 음식점수는 오히려 증가 국제통화기금(IMF) 97년 연말(40만3천8백28개) 100명당 1개 꼴로 개업한식점(50.8%), 분식점(9%), 중식집(6%), 양식집(6%), 일식집(3%)순 개업 1년을 넘기는 비율 70% 이내, 성공하는 비율은 20%을 넘기지 못한다.음식 관련 자격증!!푸드 코디네이터 : 요리잡지와 패션잡지 요리코너의 진행 와인 소믈리에 : 손님의 음식에 맞게 와인을 선택해주는 사람 와인 코디네이터 : 행사 분위기에 맞는 와인 추천자와인 컨설턴트 : 바리스타(Barista) : 에스프레소커피 전문 바텐더푸드 스타일리스 : 음식의 비주얼을 만들어 줌파티 플래너 : 이벤트 등을 대행레스토랑 코디네이터 : 레스토랑의 전반적인 인테리어와 테이블웨어테이블 코디네이터 : 음식점 및 무대 조경케이터링 : 츨장뷔폐슈가 아티스트 : 설탕으로 장식품을 만드는 공예가음식평론가 : 음식을 맛보고 평가하는 직업인바텐더, 떡공예가, 요리연구가, 요리강사, 출장요리사http://soho112.com/board_view.php?board=board603672&num=1878&tnum=5&page=1&sear=&search=&left_menu=
This is a computer translation of the original webpage. It is provided for general information only and should not be regarded as complete nor accurate.
Vision eating out of restaurant establishment enterprise [ep], set [ep], Korean-style food [ep], success constipation failure reason establishment -------------------------------------
Vision of restaurant establishment enterprise… Secret process!! of success -----------------------------------------------------
Our country eating out industry currently with quick tendency increase - market size annual 30If recently the unemployment number under increasing rapidly, from depressed inside Edo restaurant possibility rather increase International Monetary Fund (IMF) 97 year-end (40 ten thousand 3 thousand 8 hundred 28) In 100 excellent spot 1 types dog [ep]Korean-style food point (50.8%) and partial eclipse point (9%), lunch house (6%), form house (6%) and set house (3%) pure The dog [ep] the ratio 70% which it passes over the ratio which at once, succeeds cannot pass over 20% 1 years.Food relation qualification certificate!!The [phwu] [tu] nose D you sprout: Cooking magazine and plaque [syen] progress of magazine cooking corner Wine in smallness [mul] [li]: The person who selection does as a favor the wine rightly in the food of the caller Wine nose D you sprout: The wine recommender who hits to an event atmosphereThe wine [khen] opinion the [thu] which it shakes off: Brass rice bowl of woman star (Barista): Soup [ley] smallness coffee professional tender[phwu] [tu] star reason [su]: It makes the visual of the food, zoomGreen onion mote [phul] [lay] you: Event back vicarious executionRestaurant nose D you sprout: General interior and table [wey] [e] of restaurantTable nose D you sprout: Restaurant and stage landscape architectureThe [khey] sprouts, the ring: [chul] Market [pwi] lungShoe artist: The craftsman who makes a decoration width with the sugarFood criticism [lon]: Tastes the food and the worker whom it eval!uatesTender, rice cake craftsman and cooking research, cooking lecturer and business trip cookhttp://soho112.com/board_view.php?board=board603672&num=1878&tnum=5&page=1&sear=&search=&left_menu=
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